Download Our Lost Pet Poster Template

Here is a link to download the Lost Pet Poster TemplateIt includes three template formats designed specifically for color printing on white paper, black and white printing on white paper, as well as black and white printing on brightly colored paper. (Tip: If using colored paper, print your pet's photo on white paper first and tape it to the colored paper, then make photocopies.)


  • Cover poster in plastic to protect from the elements
  • Include recent high-quality, (preferably) color photo of your pet that makes them easy to identify. If possible post several recent images (as they have different lengths of fur; e.g., after coming back from the groomer, in different types of light, close up and full body)
Example of Lost Pet Poster
  • Neon signs/poster board can help attract attention
  • Plaster your neighborhood and the surrounding area
  • Don't lose hope!

*Please also keep in mind that not every scanner reads every chip so continue searching local shelter databases, as well as using these great online resources:

Stay alert: Refer back to the tips in the original article to ensure you aren't wasting your time with scammers.

Wishing you the best of luck!

The Preventive Vet team