have a pet safe Halloween

Getting Your Pet Ready for Halloween

Halloween can be tons of fun if you include your dog or cat in the festivities. However, Halloween trick-or-treaters can cause stress and anxiety in our pets, not to mention that many pets go missing on Halloween when they dash out the constantly open door. Plus, all that tantalizing Halloween candy can be toxic for your dog or cat.

With some easy preparation, you can help your dog or cat prepare for All Hallow's Eve. We've got tricks and treats for you below to help you plan your pet's Halloween costume, top dog training tips and important safety preparations you should take to ensure everyone has a fun and festive Halloween!

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If you've got an anxious pet, calming pheromone products have been known to help. In fact, you've probably seen some of the plug-in products below being used in your vet's office!

Comfort Zone Cat Calming Pheromone Diffuser
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ThunderEase Dog Calming Pheromone Diffuser Powered by Adaptil
product Thunderease adaptil diffuser
ThunderEase Calming Spray for Dogs (Powered by Adaptil)
ThunderEase Calming Spray (Adaptil) for Dogs
ThunderEase Calming Collar (Adpatil) for Dogs
ThunderEase Calming Anti Anxiety Pheromone Collar for Dogs
ThunderShirt Classic Dog Anxiety Jacket
thundershirt dog anxiety jacket
ThunderShirt Anxiety Calming Jacket for Cats
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