Pet suffocation in dogs and cats is preventable! Awareness and education is crucial. Please help spread the word to help people avoid these devastating tragedies and save pet lives.
Download, display, and share our "Journey of the Chip Bag" infographic.
Thanks for being part of the solution!
Step 1: Complete the form and click "Download Now"
Step 2: You'll be redirected to a page where you can download the poster.
Step 3: Hang the poster in your place of business, at local shops, dog parks...wherever. Use the poster as a handout in your veterinary clinic, grooming shops, pet store, or any other business.
Size: 8.5 x 11

Step 4: You can also share the poster on social media –
we've got it on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Create even more awareness by visiting our National Pet Suffocation Awareness Week page. There are shareable graphics and stories of pets who have lost or almost lost their lives from suffocation.