How to Set Up a Safe Space for Your Dog | Preventive Vet
Learn how to set up a safe space for your dog, encouraging calm behavior, building your dog's confidence, and keeping children and other guests safe.
Thunder is one of the most common noise phobias for dogs, and it's not always just the sound of the storm that can cause fear and anxiety. As storms approach, dogs can sense the change in barometric pressure, and a dog can feel the vibration of thunder in the ground.
While we can't recreate these environmental changes quite like Mother Nature can, you can prepare using sound recordings of thunderstorms and be prepared with high-value treats and providing a safe space for your dog when a storm rolls in. And when there is a storm on the horizon, you can take advantage of the training opportunity.
Taking time to pair the sound of thunder and lighting with positive experiences can help your puppy learn that storms are no big deal. Proactive exposure practice for thunderstorms is especially important if you live in an area that experiences frequent thunder.
As with all sound desensitization practice, you want to start with the sound of thunder and lighting at a very low volume. As your puppy gets used to the sound, you can slowly raise the volume over time. If at any point you notice stress or fear in your puppy's body language, lower the volume or turn it off completely. Watch for any sudden startles, ears back, wide eyes, tail tucked, or paw lifts.
You can desensitize the sounds in a few different ways:
When a thunderstorm approaches, make sure you're prepared to create positive associations with any cracks and rumbles of thunder. Here are a few tips for helping a puppy through a thunderstorm:
Learn how to set up a safe space for your dog, encouraging calm behavior, building your dog's confidence, and keeping children and other guests safe.
You want to start socializing your puppy right away. Learn how to do it safely and ideas for socialization before puppy vaccines are completed.
Tips from a certified dog trainer to help your dog if they missed early socialization. It's not too late to help your dog feel more confident and less anxious.
Many pets are being given Acepromazine (Ace) to help them cope with noise and thunderstorms. This is NOT good! Find out why and what you can do to help.
Playing music can help your dog feel less anxious, and calm dogs with separation, travel, or noise anxiety. Read about what kind of music works best.
Sound: Desensitizing Dogs to Thunderstorm Noises
How to Teach Your Dog to be Comfortable During Thunderstorms
Keep a Dog Calm During Thunderstorms